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Learn Chinese Weather Vocabulary

Weather Vocabulary in Chinese for kids

What is the weather like? The weather is sunshine, rain, snow, wind, and storms. Children often learn about weather features very early on. The ability to characterize things and events is considered a milestone in the child’s cognitive process. Understanding weather events in Chinese is an important part of a child’s development to learn Chinese […]
Learn Chinese Family Member Vocabulary

Family Member Vocabulary in Chinese for kids

One of the first things kids have to know when they learn to speak Chinese is how to say “mom” or “dad”. Learning Chinese using the topic of family is a fun and fast way to impact a child’s memory and love of Chinese. As they grow up, learning the family member’s names and relationships […]
Learn Chinese Birds Names for Kids

Birds Names in Chinese for kids

Birds are everywhere you look. Their cheerful chirping in the morning and nesting habits in the spring is just a couple of our favorite things about birds. Teaching your preschooler about birds in Chinese can be fun too. A bird theme is a fun way to introduce nesting, laying eggs, migration, or spring. Children enjoy […]
Learn Chinese Numbers

Numbers in Chinese for kids

To learn Chinese for kids, “numbers” is a fundamental topic that every child has to learn. This article will help your child learn how to say numbers in Chinese. You can guide your toddler through counting games and fun number activities. Here are the Chinese words for numbers 0-10: 0-10: 0 – Zero 零  (líng) […]
AllParenting Tips

British English vs American English: Which One is Better?

Did you know that English is the official language of sixty-seven countries? Each country has its own accent and popular sayings. Even within the U.S., there are so many different accents. Americans in the South have a different accent than Americans living in California. Accents vary from country to country. The more popular accents are […]
Learn Chinese Planet Name for Kids

Planet Name in Chinese for kids

TRY A FREE LESSON Learning about space in Chinese can be exciting and confusing.  However, parents can help their kids to learn Chinese by discovering the wonders of astronomy with cool and simple space vocabulary that the little ones can understand. Planet Name for Kids One of the most familiar words related to space is […]
Learn Chinese Vegetables Names for Kids

Vegetables Names in Chinese for kids

Vegetables are an important part of daily meals. Vegetables provide nutrition and vitamins to help kids become healthier and smarter every day. Even so, many young children hate to eat them and always take vegetables off their plates. So how can you get your child to eat vegetables every day without forcing them? First, as […]
Chinese Learning Content Fruits

Fruit Names in Chinese for Kids

Like vegetables, fruit is healthy and kids should eat it every day but often don’t. Fruit is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so it’s hardly surprising that eating fruit every day will help reduce sickness and build a stronger immune system. Plus, from blueberries to bananas, peaches to papayas, clementines to cantaloupe, […]
Learn Chinese Animals Names for Kids

Animals Names in Chinese for kids

Studying is usually boring and difficult for kids, but it should not be like that! Knowing more about their surroundings should be fun and exciting, just like learning Chinese. So, how can you encourage your babies to learn Chinese naturally without forcing them? Introducing Chinese to kids in a fun way is important. When children […]
AI Chat Buddy
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AI Chat Buddies: Our Smart Conversation Partners

We bet you still remember your childhood friends. We bet some of them are still your closest friends today.  In fact, think of any childhood memory. The memories that stick with us today are often the emotional, pleasant, and funny ones.   At a young age, learning Chinese works in similar ways.  The more relatable, fun, […]