AI Chat Buddies: Our Smart Conversation Partners
January 19, 2021
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Fruit Names in Chinese for Kids
Like vegetables, fruit is healthy and kids should eat it every day but often don’t. Fruit is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so it’s hardly surprising that eating fruit every day will help reduce sickness and build a stronger immune system. Plus, from blueberries to bananas, peaches to papayas, clementines to cantaloupe, […]
Family Member Vocabulary in Chinese for kids
One of the first things kids have to know when they learn to speak Chinese is how to say “mom” or “dad”. Learning Chinese using the topic of family is a fun and fast way to impact a child’s memory and love of Chinese. As they grow up, learning the family member’s names and relationships […]
Difference between simplified and traditional Chinese
When embarking on the journey of learning Chinese, one of the first questions that might pop up is: what is the difference between simplified and traditional Chinese? This curiosity leads to a deeper understanding of not just the language’s aesthetics but also its cultural and historical tapestry. The Evolution from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese […]