Fruit Song

Galaxy Kids Fruit Song Lyrics

This is an apple.
I want an apple, please.
This is an apple.
I want an apple, please.

Can you say: “Apple”?
Apple one, two, three.

I want an apple.
An apple.
An apple.
Here you go.
Thank you very much.

Ok, your turn.

This is an orange.
I want an orange, please.
This is an orange.
I want an orange, please.

Can you say: “Orange”?
Orange one, two, three.

I want an orange.
An orange.
An orange.
Here you go.
Thank you very much.

So yummy!

This is a banana.
I want a banana, please.
This is a banana.
I want a banana, please.

Can you say: “Banana”?
Banana one, two, three.

I want a banana.
A banana.
A banana.
Here you go.
Thank you very much
Oh! more fruits.

These are grapes.
I want some grapes, please.
These are grapes.
I want some grapes, please.

Can you say: “Grapes”?
Grapes one, two, three.

I want a grape.
A grape.
A grape.
Here you go.
Thank you very much

So much fruit.
Can I have some of yours?
Sure, Of course
Thank you very much.

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