B Letter Book

Today, we’re going to learn some words that start with B. Not a bee that buzzes by, but the letter b, you see!


B Letter Book
Sometimes the letter b can be small, but a capital B, it stands tall.


B Letter Book
Learning new things is always a joy and B should be known by every girl and boy.


B Letter Book
What’s your favorite food? Mine’s a banana since I was a baby.


B Letter Book
Do you like bread? Or a burger, maybe?


B Letter Book
Well, I bet you’ve seen some boots.


B Letter Book
But have you seen them on a bear? Big black boots are this bear’s favorite pair.


B Letter Book
He wears his boots when he plays ball, but you know what? That’s not all.


B Letter Book
He wears them when he rides the bus. A bear on a bus? Don’t make a fuss!


B Letter Book
What starts with B and can float in the water? Why, it’s a boat.


B Letter Book
But what can float in the air? A big blue balloon. Can you see one there?


B Letter Book
Anyway, that’s it for B. Do you know which letter is number 3?

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