A Letter Book

A Letter Book
Big A… little a… Let’s learn about ‘A’.


A Letter Book
Look at the apple growing in a tree.


A Letter Book
Look at the little ants. So very tiny.


A Letter Book
An ant crawls on an apple. Ant and apple start with A. If an ant is on your apple, tell it to go away.


A Letter Book
Wave both of your arms way up in the air.


A Letter Book
When you get tired, sit in an armchair.


A Letter Book
An arm and an armchair. They both start with A. If an armchair had real arms? That would be funny, hey?


A Letter Book
Look at the astronaut flying out in space.


A Letter Book
Look at the alligator with a toothy face.


A Letter Book
Astronaut and alligator, they also start with A. But an alligator astronaut? I think I’d laugh all day.

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