Brain Building Benefits of Bilingual Children

The benefits of learning Chinese as a second language can seem endless. In adults, not only can it help advance their career but it also helps create a connection to a different culture and helps us have a different connection to the world around us with all of its diversity. 

If you are a parent, thinking about introducing your young child to a second language, you may be wondering if there are truly significant benefits of pursuing this new learning opportunity or worried that you may be confusing your child who has just begun to learn their first language.  Rest assured, there are so many benefits when following a bilingual path.  Here are some great brain-building benefits of learning a second language for children:

Brain Building Benefits of Bilingual Children

Young children can pick up languages more easily than adults.  Why is this?  It’s because young brains right now are programmed to absorb as much information as they can. They have a unique ability to absorb the information without really knowing it.  Children learn Chinese best through play and play is how they learn.  When children learn a language, they are learning the roots of it.  They don’t get bogged down with grammatical rules or are self-conscious of the way that they sound.  This is why it is easier for young children to pick up on a second language.

Children who learn a second language have a longer attention span.  Bilingual children have an easier time focusing on and maintaining their attention despite any outside stimuli.  Learning Chinese as an extra language can help children develop the brain muscle that is dependent on knowing how to focus on a task without getting distracted.

Children who learn a second language build strong mental abilities.  Bilingual children have a better grasp of critical thinking, creativity, and mental flexibility.  Being able to know that an object can have different names or having the ability to switch between languages requires a lot of effort.  These skills help build a child’s brain muscle and make it stronger.  Their cognitive ability allows them to excel in reading and writing and can also help improve their problem-solving skills.  

Best Chinese App

If you are looking to introduce your children to a second language, the best time to do this is between ages 3 and 6.  They can get a grasp of a new language then and as adults, we know that it only gets harder the older that we become.  Not only are you giving your child the brain-building skills to help them become successful but there are so many other benefits that will last them a lifetime. It helps children gain confidence, gives them a different perspective, and most importantly allows them to learn empathy.  Giving them the gift of learning Chinese as a second language allows them to truly see the world from a different perspective.  

Introduce them to a second language today by visiting our Galaxy Kids application.  This is an amazing platform that truly helps families succeed in teaching Chinese to children with their researched and specifically designed curriculum.  Sign up for your free trial month today to give your child a gift that they will cherish for a lifetime.

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